Below, I have posted some interesting articles, news and various themes. What do you think about ... ?


The average temperature of the earth, because the atmosphere exists, is a lot higher than it would be without the atmosphere. This is the greenhouse effect in its basic form. There always was a green house effect. A recent change in the composition of the air has been theoretically linked to the enhanced global warming green house effect. Throughout history, the earth has experienced changes in the green house effects with periods of climate change global warming and cooling as well.

It appears global warming is happening FASTER NOW than EVER. We try to blame this pending air quality environmental disaster on humans and industry, and there could be some truth to it.

People will be affected. The traditional thought says... Energy which was once in balance is moving towards a new balance. Increased droughts may destroy the grassland climates and agriculture industry in many parts of the world. Here's an undesirable consequence global warming has for persons living near sea level. Rising sea levels could flood low lying, heavily populated and developed urban areas.

Here's something else to think about. If the ice in your drink all melts, does the level of the liquid change? No.
There exist many global warming charts, essays, statistics and articles to support these claims.
These prophecies are widely publicized and the effects of climate change global warming is expected to produce are becoming quite well known.

The Kyoto Protocal was proposed as a possible solution, but key countries ignored it.

Let's care NOW ! Everyone can act to protect our Earth, even YOU ! You have only to thing - every moment and every day- how to save energy, how to sensitize and influence your next, your friend, your colleque...

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