Below, I have posted some interesting articles, news and various themes. What do you think about ... ?

1. Δικαιούμαι να έρθω στη ζωή. Δικαιούμαι να υπάρξω.

2. Δικαιούμε να μεγαλώσω σε έναν κόσμο χωρίς βία και φτώχεια.

3. Δικαιούμαι να ζήσω σε έναν κόσμο που σέβεται και προστατεύει το φυσικό περιβάλλον.

4. Δικαιούμαι να έχω ελεύθερη πρόσβαση στο μαγικό κόσμο της γνώσης.

5. Δικαιούμαι να έχω ελεύθερο χρόνο και χώρο για να παίζω.

6. Δικαιούμαι να μάθω τι είναι καλό για την ψυχική και τη σωματική μου υγεία.

7. Δικαιούμαι να περνάω αρκετό χρόνο με τους γονείς μου.

8. Δικαιούμαι να ζήσω με αθωότητα και ανεμελιά τα παιδικά μου χρόνια.

9. Δικαιούμαι να ζήσω σε μια κοινωνία που προστατεύει τα προσωπικά μου δεδομένα.

10. Δικαιούμαι έναν κόσμο ανθρώπινο, δίκαιο και ειρηνικό. Εναν κόσμο στον οποίο θα

μεγαλώσω αύριο τα δικά μου παιδιά !
Web-Blogs: Everyone has a voice

The power of weblogs is that they allow millions of people to easily publish their ideas, interests and millions more to comment on them. Blogs are a fluid, dynamic medium, more an invitation to a "conversation" than to a library — which is how the Web has often been described in the past. With an increasing number of people reading, writing, and commenting on blogs, the way we use the Web is shifting in a fundamental way. Instead of primarily being passive consumers of information, more and more Internet users are becoming active participants. Weblogs allow everyone to have a voice.

Starting an Online Business Without a Website ?

A great deal of money has been made by online entrepreneurs who have implemented these 3 highly successful business models that can help you create income online without having to invest a single a cent in website design, hosting, optimizing or website maintenance.

1. Affiliate Marketing
This is how to set yourself up as an affiliate marketer1. Becoming an AffiliateFirstly you need to sign up as an affiliate with individual companies or affiliate networks that represent several companies.These affiliate networks usually have a wide range of products and services to choose from and offer everything from e-books to networking products to sell.They also administer your account in such a way as to provide you with up to date earning and traffic statistics.

2. Get Products and Services to Sell
Next you need to identify the products or companies whose products you would like to promote.You can do this by either choosing the most popular, hottest selling products or the ones that you have an interest in or are knowledgeable about.

3. Selling and Marketing
Once you've got your unique affiliate link, which you'll get from the affiliate network, for each product that you want to sell you need to start getting it all over the internet.This link can then be promoted by,
1. advertising it
One of the most effective and most popular advertising models involves you setting up a Google Adwords accountYou then purchase pay-per-click keywords on which determine when, where and how often your Google Adsense ads appear all over the internet.Your affiliate tracking code will be embedded in the Adsense link which will send buyers directly to the affiliate merchant.You will then earn commission on each sale made.This is the best way of getting massive targetted traffic to the merchant's site where your prospects will hopefully make a purchase.However, whilst you may be generating traffic don't forget that each click your ad gets costs you money and if you are spending more on Adwords advertising than you are generating in commission you will be out of pocket soon.
2. having it included in someone else’s website
3. using it in an e-mail newsletter - direct marketing

2. Start Selling

on eBayeBay is the hottest e-commerce site on the web today, and for good reason...* More than 2 million people visit every single day, spending anaverage of two hours navigating through eBay's pages and listings* More than $1,000 in sales happen on eBay every single second* 72% of eBay users have incomes in excess of $50,000 per year--so they come ready to spend!And while those listings will cost you only pennies to place on eBay's pages, you gain immediate access to millions of buyers who are looking for items just like yours.
3. Start Selling on Purpose Built Websites
One of the easiest ways of setting up an online business is to buy into a ready made store front that will be populated with thousands of digital products and services all embedded with your unique affiliate tracking codeSo everytime a purchase is made from your site you are credited with the commission.So there you have it, employ one or all three methods to launch a legitimate and sustainable online business.


The average temperature of the earth, because the atmosphere exists, is a lot higher than it would be without the atmosphere. This is the greenhouse effect in its basic form. There always was a green house effect. A recent change in the composition of the air has been theoretically linked to the enhanced global warming green house effect. Throughout history, the earth has experienced changes in the green house effects with periods of climate change global warming and cooling as well.

It appears global warming is happening FASTER NOW than EVER. We try to blame this pending air quality environmental disaster on humans and industry, and there could be some truth to it.

People will be affected. The traditional thought says... Energy which was once in balance is moving towards a new balance. Increased droughts may destroy the grassland climates and agriculture industry in many parts of the world. Here's an undesirable consequence global warming has for persons living near sea level. Rising sea levels could flood low lying, heavily populated and developed urban areas.

Here's something else to think about. If the ice in your drink all melts, does the level of the liquid change? No.
There exist many global warming charts, essays, statistics and articles to support these claims.
These prophecies are widely publicized and the effects of climate change global warming is expected to produce are becoming quite well known.

The Kyoto Protocal was proposed as a possible solution, but key countries ignored it.

Let's care NOW ! Everyone can act to protect our Earth, even YOU ! You have only to thing - every moment and every day- how to save energy, how to sensitize and influence your next, your friend, your colleque...